» Hunting
Purpose and General Overview
The purpose of the AKC Hunting Test program is to provide an opportunity for a dog to demonstrate its field abilities in a manner as consistent as possible with the demands of actual hunting conditions.
The following applies to all three levels of testing:
- Hunting Tests are open to all AKC registered Spaniels over six months of age. There is no maximum age for any of the test levels.
- Regulations pertaining to eligibility can be found on the AKC site.
- The dog’s natural hunting ability and training are scored against a standard of performance. The standard varies by test level. The basic attributes of the test allow the dog to demonstrate its hunting abilities: “how to find ‘em,” “how to flush ‘em,” and “how to bring ‘em back.”
- There are three test levels—Junior, Senior and Master.
- Hunting Tests are pass/fail events. Dogs are scored on their own merit. There are no placements and no ranking of the dogs.
- If in the opinion of the judges, a dog meets the minimum requirements for the test entered, the dog will receive a passing score, thereby earning a “leg” toward a Junior (JH), Senior (SH), or Master (MH) title.
- An AKC title certificate is awarded when a dog receives the required number of passing scores. The title will appear on the dog’s official AKC pedigree.
- Dogs are run one at a time.
- Gunning is involved at all test levels. All gunning is done by designated gunners.
- Females in season are not allowed to enter.
- Many participants attend an event just to watch prior to entering.
- Tests are hosted by AKC licensed clubs. To find Hunting Tests in your area, including event secretary contact information, visit the AKC web site www.akc.org/events/search/. Select the State(s), event type (hunting test) and time period.